Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013

Hi Folks

I finally managed to leave yesterday, direction Wuppertal (DE) for visiting my elderly grandmother berfore hitting the world for a few years. So far I can say: (1) Free Internet in Long-distance busses runs at glacial speed. (2) Air conditioning in a bus when it is 35°C outside is very comfortable, and you really miss it when it breaks two hours into a ten hour drive. (3) Apparently I forgot the sun in Switzerland, because rigth now there is torrential downpour in Wuppertal. Ah, and do not try to build rainflaps to screw on your longboard trucks out of heat bent acrylic glass, they will break from a mere mean look, and leave very sharp edges.

I will report back as soon as I am really hitting the road with my longboard, I expect that to be the case in not more than a week.


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