Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014

It has begun

Hi Folks
Some good news and some sad news. Good news first: I succesfully started the conquering of New Zealand from Cape Reinga. The bad news: I wrecked my tablet/phone that I used for blogging, so I now have to rely on good old internet cafes to upload new blogs. So I suspect I migth not be able to do that too often, but we will see.
About the skating in New Zealand, well, they have no clue how to build skater friendly roads. Seriously, the surface is about as comfortable as I have last experienced it in Laos. Not fun at all. But at least the temperatures are very comfortable and I have decided to give those roads a go for a couple of days and hope the surface gets better. And the people are helping too, I get a lot of positive feedback from people I meet along the road. New Zealanders are incredibly friendly and open, although for most parts the landscape has been empty of people so far. I have skated two days now, each day around 65km, which took me about nine hours and a steak pie for lunch each. And then it happened. I fell. Not too hard, but hard enough to hurt. The phone was already broken then though. But it was a good enough reason to call in my early first break day and get a rest at a nice and very hospitable campsite near Shipwreck Bay, where I went fishing and clam digging with some of the guys there.
For the next couple of days I plan to skate along the west coast, as there are fewer people there, and end up in Auckland in a little more than a week. Latest there I will update you guys with a blog post again. Cheers

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